Liberating Motherhood
Liberating Motherhood Podcast
Feminism, pop culture, and why this isn't a pop culture podcast: Liberating Motherhood Podcast Bonus Episode 2

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Feminism, pop culture, and why this isn't a pop culture podcast: Liberating Motherhood Podcast Bonus Episode 2

This may be the only time you hear me talk about pop culture.

Pop culture reveals a lot about our culture, and heavily influences it. The people pop culture fixates on are human beings who deserve good lives and decent treatment. But our obsession with pop culture, in my opinion, is not healthy. Learn why I’ll never watch the Barbie movie.

You’ll also hear me rant about why I think listening to the news and consuming every horror actually undermines our ability to be effective activists. If it’s not clear, I absolutely think we have a moral obligation to do all we can to stop genocide and other horrors. I also believe we have a moral obligation to avoid all activities that make us less effective activists, and I think watching the news is often one of those activities.

This unplanned rant is a slice of what I’ll be discussing in an episode I’ll be releasing in August, with my friend Desiree Stephens of Let’s Have the Conversation. Desiree and I will be talking about the vital role of self-care in activism, and why the need to self-flagellate by consuming every horror (as opposed to doing something about what we can) is a white supremacist construct.

Read some of the studies I reference here, here, here, here, and here.

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Liberating Motherhood
Liberating Motherhood Podcast
A podcast about mothers, motherhood, and the systems that oppress us.