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I’ve heard so many of these excuses even from women. I’ve also heard “but I do more around here than any husband I know” because he cooks and does grocery shopping and his own laundry (but nobody else’s).

Don’t give him too much credit about the cooking. He rarely cooks enough for leftovers creating more unnecessary work in the kitchen, he gets annoyed when I have the kids unload the dishwasher or my mother does it (because they put stuff in the wrong place in HIS kitchen) AND he goes to the grocery store EVERY DAMN DAY. He’s admitted that in the winter, he takes extra laps around the grocery store and it’s his “down time” after work. I also know it’s when he buys his beer and cigarettes. He literally creates more work in regards to meals and grocery shopping to get out of everything else, not to mention the rage and irritability and exhaustion he displays in having that responsibility. His participation has has come at a huge cost.

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