As a collective bargaining union employee who pays dues weekly and monthly ;) — I definitely agree with this message! And, yes every person on this planet is here through a woman. Without that, nothing else comes, follows or matters. So, the Jedi mind tricks that are practiced by minimizing and trying to diminish this are stellar. It’s a con. I love this article on Labor Day, women deserve it and rest, too!

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I learned long ago through running a business that barter doesn't work because the value of what people are receiving starts to become hidden and taken for granted. So, I started paying vendors who were also clients even if I had to hand the money right back to them. This assured the trade always stayed even and the value evident.

I think this is how the usually uneven barter with the person caring for the home should be treated. It's the only way for equality to be noted.

Of course if tasks are split up, this becomes more complicated.

It might reduce the amount of sexual, physical and emotional abuse, too, but we have a long way to go. Thanks, Zawn, for your work!

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Best Labor Day article I have ever read!

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Thanks Zawn for the article! I really hope that you guys continue fighting for what is yours (it is a long tiring battle) and men change for the better!

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Excellent piece as always. I don’t think the bit about who gets to define care needs is quite right - a care recipient is often the person best able to make decisions about their needs, in cases where they can’t, I absolutely agree- I think your point was more about being undermined by third parties though and I’m with you on that.

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I'm thinking mostly of children here. But I've also seen the notion that care recipients know best weaponized against elders, especially those with dementia or communication issues.

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Collective bargaining is so much more effective when workers go on strike! So I propose a strike. Together. At the same time. All women, everywhere. If women vacate their intimate relationships with men, and men do not have an easy women-appliance-substitute to fill the gap, then, who knows, they might actually get their heads out of their arses and actually do something..

Let’s say this strike goes on for a month. A few months. And women who have jobs support those who don’t including for housing if needed. How long would it take? No chances for the lonely chaps on Tinder, no warm caring human at home soothing his poor feelings and making him dinner and taking care of everything, no hugs…Sure, a lot of men will just let their houses fall into disarray and go out golfing and drinking. But, like, how long is that going to last? A few weeks? It’s not like (heterosexual) men have all that much by way of intimacy and emotional labour skills to offer one another but who knows, if this goes in for a few months/years, they might have to develop some…

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4B movement!

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👏👏👏 I’m all in

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I’ll do it too.

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I highly recommend a book called “Who Cooked Adam Smith’s Dinner” by Katrine Marcel. She highlights that he could only do his “important work” because his mother did all the household labour (yes, I’m British, hence the spelling). I also thought of the chap who just ran seven marathons in seven days and was reported to be joyful at being reunited with his children. I wonder who looked after them while he was off doing his thing? There are so many things men can do because they know the domestic duties are being taken care of. Love your work Zawn, thank you.

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Brilliant. Solid. Brilliant newsletter. Thank you. Let’s all scream it from the rooftops !!!!

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