I'm in the midst of dealing with this. It's up to me to prove why my uninvolved-until-now, abusive, autistic husband shouldn't get 50% custody. Even though I can prove how uninvolved he's been up to now. Even though he has an autism diagnosis. Even though we have years of couples therapy dealing with behaviour issues and parenting issues connected to his diagnosis. I AM SO LIVID. The system needs to change.

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Solidarity! I'm in the middle of divorcing an autistic man who thinks the best idea for custody is to split my daughters up and they live across the country from each other. They are 2 and 7 years old. Insane. Luckily, my state won't allow this. I'm not sure what will happen with child support. Good luck with your jerk.

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So sorry..autistic dads are sooo difficult..and yet somehow people keep choosing them. We need to STOP doing so! Teach your girls NOT to!

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The problem is not autism. It's men pretending autism is the reason for abuse. Anti-autistic bias is not acceptable on this page.

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"The average father pays $5,181 in average annual support—$431.75 per month, comprising about 9% of the average father’s income. "

The only guy I knew paying child support was easily paying half his paycheck, about $600 per week from his middling government job of $60,000. This was a working class income in NYC. This was over ten years ago. Maybe things have changed and become worse. I wonder why this is.

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