Jesus Christ. You're freaking wonderful. My husband has said it best when I started sending him your blog. When discussing it with others, he has said, "She started reading this feminist blog that finally articulated and labeled the things she felt/heard but couldn't quite articulate herself." He's so right. I don't know if it's my ADHD, or what, but your writing is so freaking simple and organized, whereas my thoughts are not. 🤣 (Simple in the sense of clear, concise, effective communication... NOT throwing shade here.)

While I identify as feminist and my husband does too, we're both products of a BS society. Everyone has biases and shit to unlearn. You have a way of challenging the norm in such articulate, profoundly powerful ways. Maybe it's just the fact that you're a really talented professional writer, but I cannot emphasize enough how deeply I enjoy learning from you.

Thank you for all you do! Thank you for helping to educate those who are striving to learn more to do better. Thank you for validating all of us women who need champions like you. 💕

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I desperately hope we get updates to some of these letters someday. It's so sad thinking that there are women out there reading Zawn's work, eyes wide open, but still stuck with the loser they married.

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I just want to say how happy I have become in life now that I no longer care about being "nice" abd palatable to men. The average man lacks adequate emotional intelligence and consideration for women (even those he claims to love). If a man reads an article here abd gets offended, it's because he sees his shitty inner reflection mirrored back to him and doesn't want you to catch on to the fact that you're getting a rotten deal and the short end of the stick.

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I predict a divorce attorney in the OPs fiture.....

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I think a great leap forward for feminism will be for all women to stop giving a single fancy fuck about what men think of our tone or our attitude. I don't care if you think I'm angry, aggressive, loud, strident, bitter, sarcastic, and profane. Hear my words and respond to their substance or leave me alone and stop wasting my time.

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I feel like this is also projection: feminism is accused of being "aggressive," when it's patriarchy that's aggressive. Violent even.

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I had an argument with a man on Facebook purely because I challenged his sexist comment. He replied with a predictable “you sound bitter/angry” diatribe and then made a comment about my profile having she/her pronouns. So, I figured creepazoid had opened the door. I looked at his (wide open) profile, noted his wife’s name, tagged her in my next comment and said I’m sorry you’re married to this, I hope you’re ok. The loser had the audacity to say “oh wow what a stalker” 🤣 they really can’t have it dished back to them. I have my profile locked for this reason, but I give zero fucks about letting them know they are losing their power. I just hope that more women are waking up to this and kicking these douchecanoes to the curb.

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My ex thinks the Barbie Movie went overboard, and the Barbie Movie is mainstream, day 1 of feminism 101 material. He called me misandrist once for having Ann Taintor magnets and saying men can afford to be clowned a little bit after everything they've put women through for centuries. Going by those reactions alone, I'm pretty sure this blog would give him an embolism.

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I’ve read a fair amount of feminist writing, and while I take a different position on a few issues than Zawn takes, I find this to be the best resource I have found online because it takes no prisoners. There are no special dispensations for men to behave badly because they can’t help it, or just need gentle onboarding, etc.

Now I see it everywhere—how often people leap to “lower your standards” or “outsource the work he won’t do (but also manage the outsourcing and have both of you feel like it’s a treat for you and not him).” No matter how unreasonable a man is being, virtually everybody asked for advice starts with this gentle Could You Please Contribute A Little Bit More? approach, instead of recognizing that if he’s smart enough to survive the perils of life up till now, he’s smart enough to know houses need cleaning and children need care. It’s been very eye-opening as I look at what my closest friend has dealt with for twenty years. I wish I’d taken this stance from day one so I wasn’t upholding systems of “coax the little man baby” or “maybe he has ADHD or autism.”

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Whiny Mcloserpants hahahah, I love it!

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