Thank you for sharing these ideas and resources! ❤️

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I’m so grateful that you compiled these resources. Sifting through what’s quality and what isn’t is such an exhausting chore. Much appreciated!

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I love this. Last night at bedtime I had a discussion with my daughter (10) about living alone or with a friend instead of being married. She got very excited at the prospect of living with her bestie. 🤩

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Thanks so much for these. I sat down to add as many as I could to my Wishlist on Booktopia, and noticed that quite a few are on back order! The power of Zawn? 😆 happy to see it 🙌🏻

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Love that you mentioned not to treat our sons like potential predators. I have a son and a daughter (19 and 16 now), and I’ve been a single parent since I divorced their abusive father 6 years ago. I definitely went through an “I hate all men” stage. So, think that is such an important observation that we can almost instill patriarchy into boys. And admitting that kids can just be assholes sometimes because they are kids 😂. So true!

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Excellent resources here also: https://raisingfreepeople.com/about/

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