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I don't think it's at all a coincidence that this is also Nurse's Week and all I'm getting on my timeline is more romantic bullshit about how "caring" and "compassionate" and "superhuman" nurses are--all while I have phone conversations across the nation with nurses who have nuclear-level PTSD on the level of combat veterans from COVID-19 and hospitals are STILL abusing the shit out of us.

Women and AFAB people are literally *not allowed* to have trauma, sadness, agony, pain, fatigue, needs WHATSOEVER. And I'm getting fucking tired of it. We need a general strike for those of us with uteruses--yesterday.

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I’ve thought the same thing the past couple of years. I also was helping the PTA set up for teacher appreciation week and a 5th grade girl saw us in the lounge and asked what we were doing. I told her and she asked β€œis it teacher appreciation week because it’s near Mother’s Day”. I told her what a great observation she made and it’s very likely why we appreciate female dominated professions this time of the year. She’s already a great feminist at 11 years old!

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I noticed it (the Mother's Day/Teacher Appreciation Week thing) too. I realized it at the Open House that occurred on Thursday, in the middle of Teacher Appreciation Week because I was overwhelmed with trying to figure out how to do something for my mother, stepmother, and myself, when I realized I had not done anything for my son's teacher...and while I was being berated by the bd via text for not letting him come have a vacation weekend in my home.

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My husband is working🫠 his schedule played very beneficial for him that he works this weekend..and has off Fathers Day. So yet another year of me celebrating by myself.

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SAME! As always and still couldn’t anticipate to reserve a brunch time months in advance.

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I got luckyβ€”i set up something with my mother and his last weekend because they knew he would be working, and as our family lives 3 hours away, there is NO way I was driving in a car for 3 hours by myself with a 10mo old and a 6 year old. So I made our family visit them last weekend so I wouldn’t be forced to do shit this weekend!

Unfortunately though..I still won’t get even a β€œhappy Mother’s Day” from him, so I decided to just make the whole weekend as special as possible with my kiddos

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Yup that is what I do too. I think I’m going to start planning weekend getaways for us on Mothers Day weekend.

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For yourself! Why work all weekend? Leave kids with him for once.

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Well he usually works on Mothers Day. He worked at least half of the Mothers Day throughout our 18 years of marriage including my first Mother’s Day. So planning a getaway would have been with just me and the kids likely which I still find not as bad and disappointing as him. I’ll have the best Mother’s Day next year because I’m going to plan for the kids and I to go away! No more disappointment in him refusing to acknowledge what I do as a mother.

good news (comment was from 2023) our divorce is final as of last week. He

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Congratulations! It is not easy but so great to get your life back!

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My husband asks me to lay out very specifically what I want to do and no matter how simple I make it he complains the entire weekend about how difficult and overwhelming it is. Next year I think I am just going to book hotel by myself for Mother’s Day.

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Actually book hotel by yourself for the whole week and weekendβ€”and don’t meal prep for him or ease the load at allβ€”and then he may get a glimpse of the reality of the work you do every day. I found my ex needed a full two weeks before he understood.

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